Welcome to My Garden...

I am fortunate.

My Life, to this date, has granted me much excitement and bliss. Of course, that doesn't mean that my life is a bed of roses... However, without the hardships, one will never understand or appreciate what Life could give...

This blog is created to share some of my observations and views... And works. :) Yes, indeed, it is subjective. But don't worry - All names will be changed to protect the 'involved'...

Bless Be.

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

My Luggage 我的行李箱

前天,在收拾东西时,忽然发现我的行李箱有个‘暗格’。。。随手拉开拉链,暴露在眼前的是行李箱的内部架构,却惊然发现其架构已毁坏不堪!我没有夸张 - 有部份竟是碎不成形的。。。

它静静地躺着,仿佛象已鞠恭尽粹的老马, 在倍同主子涉沥千山万水之后。。。就静静地躺着。。。



