Welcome to My Garden...

I am fortunate.

My Life, to this date, has granted me much excitement and bliss. Of course, that doesn't mean that my life is a bed of roses... However, without the hardships, one will never understand or appreciate what Life could give...

This blog is created to share some of my observations and views... And works. :) Yes, indeed, it is subjective. But don't worry - All names will be changed to protect the 'involved'...

Bless Be.

Sunday, January 25, 2009

过新年 - 新年快过吧!


这三年在船上,正好找到了‘不必过年’的藉口。今年,‘意外’的有了过年的‘机会’,心情是有点‘紧张’的-不晓得自己是否已经‘准备’好了?(会不会被电视节目搞得很烦。。。)家里的食物是否够吃?(没有商店开铺。。。)DVD够不够看?(Sorry, 本地的节目有够烂。。。家里又没有cable!)红包钱够不够?。。。


所以,一定要找些事做!例如- 追看DVD, 练习日文,专心写游记,打通宵麻将,唱整夜的卡拉OK。。。累了,就一觉到天亮,不让脑子有‘空余’的space装其他的念头!可是,可恶的伶仃回忆就象是刚出生的毛毛虫,在心里的某个角落蠕动。。。跟着慢慢又外至内的咀嚼一寸一寸心肌。。。太可怕了!!


好了,时间总会过去的。。。可是,我还是有个非份只想- 地球是不是可以自转得快一点?

(From Facebook - Notes)